
Showing posts from December, 2007

Prakash Jha plans media foray

Noted filmmaker Prakash Jha is said to have plans for starting a Bihar-Jhakhand based magazine as well as a television news channel. He ia also said to be in talks with Jansatta Delhi based Hindi daily from the Indian Express group for a franchisee edition.

Inext's Allahabad edition hits newsstands today December 27

Inext, the compact daily of Jagran Prakashan Ltd (JPL), which publishes ‘Dainik Jagran’, is launching its Allahabad edition on December 27. This is the paper’s sixth edition after Kanpur, Lucknow, Meerut, Agra and Varanasi. Sanjay Gupta, CEO and Chief Editor, JPL, said, “It is the overwhelming success of Inext in Kanpur, Lucknow, Meerut, Agra and Varanasi which encouraged us to come out with a sixth edition with Allahabad within a period of one year. There are many more editions in the pipeline. The people of Allahabad are eagerly waiting for the new daily, thanks to its 360-degree campaign titled ‘Hum Hai naye, andaaz kyun ho purana’, which connects to the TG with a bang. The campaign includes outdoor, print, road shows, and cable scrollers on TV, among others.” Shailesh Gupta, Director, JPL, added, “Inext fits well in our scheme of things since it caters to a upwardly mobile segment of readers who are youthful in their approach towards life and are ready to experiment with the offeri...

Daily News Indore edition in January

Daily News the Hindi daily from the Rajasthan Patrika group is slated to enter Indore in January. At present it has only one edition from Jaipur. The newspaper is said to be part of a grandiose plan from the group to fulfil its ambition of having a national presence. Which is being hampered due to the regional identity associated with the flagship brand Rajasthan Patrika. The newspaper is the only Hindi daily to have editions down the vindhyas in Tamilnadu and Karnataka. However Jagran is said to be mulling over plans to enter these markets. The sources say Indore edition of Daily News may be launched on 26 January earlier it was slated for a 10 December launch.

In search of People

The Dehradun edition of Dainik Jagran is on the lookout for people after a mass exodus from its rank and file to the Hindustan and Rashtriya Sahara The situation has been aggravated by the fact that the group plans to very soon launch another edition of its tabloid Inext from the hill state.

Print war gets fierce in Patiala with simultaneous launch of Dainik Jagran and Dainik Bhaskar

The cutthroat competition in the print media is clear, especially in the Hindi daily space. This is visible with the almost simultaneous launch of Patiala edition by two big players in the Hindi newspaper market – Dainik Jagran and Dainik Jagran. The launch of Dainik Jagran in Patiala was scheduled on December 21, while Bhaskar was launched a day later. With the launch in Patiala, Dainik Jagran – which boasted of coming up with 32 editions in India – has launched its fourth edition in Punjab, and so has Dainik Bhaskar. The initial print of neither Jagran nor Bhaskar was available, but according to industry sources, it is in the range of 30,000-35,000 copies. Speaking on the reason to launch a Patiala edition, Jagdish Sharma, Managing Editor, Dainik Bhaskar, said, “The launch and success of Dainik Bhaskar in the Amritsar, Jalandhar and Ludhiana markets have given us a better insight into the Punjab markets, and has been a great lead up to our launch. In Chandigarh, which is misconceived...

Mass exodus from Prabhat Khabar's Patna edition

This has been received in response to an earlier post Prabhat Khabar loses three to Sanmarg on this blog as a comment from blogger Magadh. Within last three months Prabhat Khabar's, Patna edition has lost two men each from reporting, circulation and advertisement, three from accounts and four from editorial to other newspapers. Among them are included circulation, accounts and buisiness head.

Sanmarg hits stands in Patna

The Patna edition of the Kolkata based Hindi daily Sanmarg has hit the stands in the beginning of third week of December. The initial reports coming from there say that owing to limited resources the edition may not be able to make a dent into the market share of already existing players. The edition is based on franchisee model adopted by English daily The Pioneer.

जागरण कैसे निकाल सकता है पहला राष्‍ट्रीय हिंदी बिजनैस अखबार

This post has been taken from दैनिक जागरण का कहना है कि जागरण व नेटवर्क 18 भारत का पहला राष्‍ट्रीय हिंदी बिजनैस अखबार शुरू करने जा रहे है। लेकिन इसे पहला राष्‍ट्रीय हिंदी बिजनैस अखबार नहीं कहा जा सकता।हमारे देश में बिजनैस पत्रकारिता की शुरुआत मुंबई के जन्‍मभूमि समूह ने की। इस समूह ने व्‍यापार अखबार गुजराती में निकाला जो आज सप्‍ताह में दो बार प्रकाशित होता है। इसके बाद समूह ने व्‍यापार हिंदी शुरू किया जो साप्‍ताहिक है। गुजराती में बिजनैस अखबार आने के बाद ही हमारे देश में अंग्रेजी में बिजनैस अखबार आए। इस तरह भारत में बिजनैस पत्रकारिता की शुरूआत गुजराती भाषा के अखबार से हुई। इसके पहले संपादक श्री गिलानी भाई के योगदान को देश की आर्थिक पत्रकारिता नजर अंदाज नहीं कर सकती। उन्‍होंने देश की आजादी के साथ ही यह मान लिया था कि भारत फिर से विश्‍व में आर्थिक महासत्‍ता बनने की हैसियत रखता है और उन्‍होंनें प्रबंधन के नकार देने के बावजूद बिजनैस अखबार यह भरोसा दिलाकर शुरू करवाया कि आने वाला समय इसका ही है, और आज यही हो रहा है। इस अखबार के दूसरे संपादक और गिलानी भाई के साथ सहाय...

Network18, Jagran in JV to launch Hindi biz daily

MUMBAI: Soon after acquiring ownership control in Infomedia and forging a strategic alliance with Forbes Media for magazine publishing, Network18 has entered into a 50:50 joint venture with Jagran Prakashan to step into the newspaper space.For starters, the JV will launch a Hindi business daily in 2008. Though there are several English business dailies, there is no such offering in the Hindi language. The JV also intends to launch other Indian language dailies focused on financial and economic news. Says Network18 MD Raghav Bahl, "In recent years, business audiences have grown immensely in the Hindi heartland and regional markets, reflecting a democratisation of enterprise and wealth creation across the nation. We are delighted to partner Jagran Prakashan as it will allow us to fulfill this need powerfully in the print space, by combining TV18's strengths in business content with Jagran's intimate understanding of print markets." TV18 has a roster of brands across tel...

HT Media plans Hindi newspaper expansion drive

MUMBAI (Reuters) - HT Media Ltd plans to expand the presence of its Hindi newspaper, Hindustan, over the next two years to exploit rising corporate advertising spend across northern India, an official said. The company plans to spend 2 billion rupees from internal accruals over two years to set up 10 printing presses and launch editions in Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Madhya Pradesh, Rahul Jain, General Manager-Finance, told reporters. "The Hindi market is doing extremely well," he said, "it has never seen that (kind of) advertising coming in," he said referring to corporates targeting the Hindi-segment for products and services. HT Media, which also publishes English newspaper, Hindustan Times, and business newspaper, Mint, has 12 editions of Hindustan, and plans to add 13-14 editions more, he added. The company would also look at acquisitions in the Hindi newspaper and internet spaces. By the first quarter of 2008/09, it plans to launch a jobs classifieds intern...

Dainik Bhaskar from Patna and Ahmedabad

Diffferent sources in Patna and Ahmedabad say Dainik Bhaskar the second read largest Hindi daily in India is preparing to launch editions from there. Sources in Patna say Dainik Bhaskar has applied for RNI number in the first week of December. On the other hand media circles in Ahmedabad are abuzz with reports of Dainik Bhaskar launching an edition from there on 26 January.

Economic Times in Hindi

The Times of India group is said to be preparing for the launch of Hindi version of Economic Times from Delhi. However the details are still under wraps and newspaper will see the light of the day somewhere in March next year. This will be second effort from a major Hindi newspaper group. Amar Ujala was the first one which came out with Karobaar however it closed down. At present Hindi business weekly Vyapaar is being published from Mumbai and Nafa Nuksaan from Jaipur.

Dehradun and Gorakhpur next

Inext will be adding two more editions in coming days. The preparations for the proposed launch from Dehradun and Gorakhpur have already begun and the recruitment for them is underway. The tabloid from the Dainik Jagran group already has five editions.

Dainik Bhaskar to launch Ludhiana edition on December 15; Patiala edition on December 22

Dainik Bhaskar will launch its Ludhiana edition on December 15. As a leader in Haryana and Chandigarh for the past few years, and with the Ludhiana launch, Dainik Bhaskar will now offer a further strengthened single print vehicle across the entire region of Punjab, Chandigarh and Haryana. This will be followed by a launch in Patiala on December 22. Commenting on the launch in Ludhiana, Jagdish Sharma, Managing Editor, Dainik Bhaskar, said, “The launch and success of Dainik Bhaskar in the Amritsar and Jalandhar markets have given us a better insight into the Punjab markets, and has been a great lead up to our launch. Coupled with the leadership position in Haryana with 14.3 lakh readers, which is a clear lead of 50 per cent over the competition, as well as leadership in Chandigarh, which is misconceived as an English market, the truth is that Dainik Bhaskar has more readers than all Hindi or English newspapers put together. Clearly, this dominance of the market can only come from a near...

भोपाल का राज एक्सप्रेस, पत्रकारिता के नए अनुभव

This post has been taken from इंसान खाली होता है तो उसके दिमाग में बेमतलब के फितूर आना स्वाभाविक है, ऐसा ही आजकल कुछ मेरे साथ हो रहा है, मैंने सोचा क्यों ना कुछ पत्रकारिता सम्बन्धी चर्चा कर ली जाए ! मेरे द्वारा पत्रकारिता की चर्चा हो और भोपाल का जिक्र ना आए ऐसा कैसे हो सकता है, वह भी उन स्थितियों में जब भोपाल से मेरा कुछ खास ही लगाव हो ? जी हाँ भोपाल एक ऐसा शहर है जहाँ कला संस्कृति के अलावा पत्रकारिता का भी अपना एक अलग ही अंदाज है और फिर भोपाल और पत्रकारिता तो मानों एक दूसरे के पूरक ही हैं ! अब भोपाल और पत्रकारिता का जिक्र चले और राज एक्सप्रेस को नजरंदाज़ कर दिया जाए तो ऐसा कैसे हो सकता है जनाब, क्योकि राज एक्सप्रेस ही तो आधुनिक पत्रकारिता और हर रोज नए नए बदलाव करने वाली पत्रकारिता का दर्पण है, फिर मैनें तो वहा पूरे डेढ़ साल मगज मारी की है और राज एक्सप्रेस से काफी कुछ नया सीखा है ॥ राज एक्सप्रेस में हर रोज नए प्रयोगों का अंदाजा तो इसी बात से लगाया जा सकता है की इस अखबार ने महज एक साल में पांच संपादकों को देखा है, जो भारतीय पत्रकारिता के इतिहास में शायद ही ...

Prabhat Khabar loses three to Sanmarg

Prabhat Khabar's Patna edition is said to have lost its three men to Sanmarg. Who have switched over there after the recruitment drive for Patna edition of Kolkata based Hindi daily began.

Nidheesh Tyagi leaves Bhaskar

Nidheesh Tyagi resident editor of Dainik Bhaskar, Chandigarh has moved on to Times of India group. He had a fairly long stint with the Bhaskar. Earlier he was with Rashtriya Sahara. He has taken over as Editor Mumbai Mirror.

Sanmarg on recruitment drive

Sanmarg the Kolkata based Hindi daily is on a recruitment drive for its upcoming Patna edition. The edition is going to be launched by publishers of daily Navbihar based on a franchisee model similar to the English daily The Pioneer. Srikant Pratyush is the man-in- charge.

Plans for Ranchi in limbo

Rashtriya Sahara's plans for launching Ranchi edition are said to have fallen of the track even before gaining momentum. The group is said to be mulling over ideas for making current editions profitable before venturing into new territories. However there are different voices inside the organisation for and against the launch. Sources have confirmed that the proposed launch may not take place in March and even if the edition comes it will not be before mid of the next year.

Jagran eyes south

Dainik Jagran the leading Hindi daily is said to be eyeing Bangalore and Chennai markets for launching a Hindi tabloid. The group already owns a product in this segment Inext published from five places in Uttar Pradesh. Bangalore may be the first to come. If rumour mills are to be beleived then the launch may take place in the month of April. Some appointments are said to have been already made in this regard. At present the only leading Hindi daily having a presence in these markets is Rajasthan Patrika. The owners of its rival daily Dainik Bhaskar have already expressed their unwillingness to enter these markets. They are said to be more busy with expanding the footprints of english daily DNA.